December 5, 2009

Artificial Respiration

It's just too bad that smokes don't come with such useful inserts anymore.

Mitchell's Cigarette Card
from NYPL Digital Gallery


honeyluna said...

i don't think i understand. they would give you ideas about how to breath without doing it yourself?

Laura Lee said...

was it because *gulp* people used to die from smoking then too? Just stop breathing, all sudden-like? =o0 No, I'm sure they were just being helpful. Perhaps in the hands of amateurs, these how-to flashcards ended up getting people wounded further...

Ms. Moon said...

I think it was a sort of porn.

May said...

That makes me want a massage. Cigarette after.

That Hank said...

Cigarette cards came in all sorts of designs - fables, boxers, great works of art. This one is from a set that had first aid instructions on the other side.