September 10, 2009

just a little lunch

Excuse me? Can't you see I'm eating here?

Santago Rare Leopard Project, UK
2009, photographer Casey Gutteridge
from the Daily Mail


Ms. Moon said...

What IS that tiny animal?

Okay. How weird is that? I wrote those words above- What IS that tiny animal? and then looked at my verification word which is, get THIS- SUPPER!

I hope not.

That Hank said...

Ha! It's a young rat, and, according to the story, he escaped unharmed and fully fed.

honeyluna said...

That's about as cute as it gets! Is nature always that sweet?

That Hank said...

Not so much, I think. But sometimes, the rat gets away.

Sarcastic Bastard said...


That Hank said...

Painful, isn't it?

Ms. Moon said...

Hank- I think you need to talk your grandma into getting a rat as a pet. She desperately wants one but can't walk a dog and is allergic to cats. I believe the rat would be the perfect pet for her. That Calling All Pet woman talks about what great pets they are all the time. If I suggested it, Mother would suspect me of trying to kill her or something.

That Hank said...

Maybe a hamster rather than a rat?