October 7, 2011

Said Chocolate Drop the barber...

This is how I like children's book. Slightly offputting and surreal.

Fun and Nonsense
1904, illustrator Willard Bonte


A said...

Yes, cheerfully eerie. Wouldn't have fazed me a bit when I was a small child.

That Hank said...

Nope. In fact, I had a book with pictures similar to this, but now i can't remember what it was.

Ms. Moon said...

I can't either. Remember that is. Maybe I still have it. I'll keep an eye out for it. I don't know that I ever threw out a children's book although I am just about to throw out a "Find Elmo" book because I hate it and we've looked at it (me and Owen) a million times and he's bored with it too and can certainly find Elmo every time.

That Hank said...

Maybe Elmo needs to find his way to Goodwill.