July 12, 2011

8 feet over, 30 feet down

Two things. 1. How did this happen? What's behind the building to the left? 2. I love the care that was taken when drawing the arrows. I bet this looked great in court.

San Francisco, CA


Ms. Moon said...

And I've had dreams like THAT!

That Hank said...

I should tell you about the one I had last night, where Billy and I fell asleep in a pool and were late to work and later the pool was full of snakes and turtles and maybe it was a lake.

Ms. Moon said...

I don't even want to TRY to figure that one out.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Glad I wasn't in that car!

That Hank said...

Me, too. No seatbelts then, either.