February 16, 2011

Super Bugger Camper

Wait, what? I fuckin want one.

Dune Buggys and Hot VWs


Verdant Earl said...

One of the girls or one of the campers?

And I want to know more about Sleepy Tripp, 1975 USAC National Midget Champion. What the what?

Ms. Moon said...

Babe MAGNET! Of course, the babes would all be in their fifties and sixties.

That Hank said...

BE: I ain't sayin', but Sleepy Tripp is the best name ever.

Mama: No way, babes of all ages love the bugger camper.

That Hank said...

I know!

Sarcastic Bastard said...


May said...

I would not get into anything called "The Bugger Camper". Particularly if one had to enter through the back door.

That Hank said...

That made me giggle.

ZenGato said...

I could live in that.

That Hank said...

I could, too, depending on location.