February 27, 2011


I know someone who is going to love this photo, and her initials are Sarcastic Bastard.



Verdant Earl said...

From the title, I'm glad this picture wasn't what I first thought it might be. Phew.

That Hank said...

I honestly thought of that when I posted it.

screamish said...

me in 20 years...

screamish said...

the woman, not the cat...or maybe...

That Hank said...

Start now with the little ankle socks and work your way up.

daddy b said...

i totally think this lady is peeing.

That Hank said...

Now that you say that...

May said...

Daddy B's comment made me laugh out loud, and I am waaaaay too tired for much of that.

That Hank said...

Funniest dude I know.

Sarcastic Bastard said...

I do love it. I'm going to have to blow that shit up larger and get a closer look.

Thanks for thinking of me. I think of you often.


That Hank said...

I've met a few of those.

That Hank said...

Damn cat.