February 23, 2011


Does it look to anyone else like they caught this beast in a trap, and now it's giving them a fight when they try to pull it in?

WW I-era


Ms. Moon said...

No. It looks like some crazy body organ trying to pull itself inside-out. To me.

That Hank said...

Yeah, it does kind of look like that.

That Hank said...

I have to admit, I did think it looked a big genital.

That Hank said...

With horns!

That Hank said...

Oh, no, I think it has gas!

daddy b said...

i thought it was a giant space squid from another dimension, about to eat everybody up with its beak. stupid wormholes.

That Hank said...

Basically, if I just saw this thing suddenly, I would probably poop myself.