Man, Wockle looks like a somnofabitchin badass. Look at those back claws. For those who don't know me, I have a mean cat. Sort of the meanest cat. Meaner than you're thinking. But I may have now found her perfect mate, born too early.
Venice, Italy, aboard the USS Flusser
1924 or 25
excellent find
It's interesting that in some sea lore, cats are considered bad luck and in others, good. I guess that the need to keep the vermin down trumps superstition.
Superstition is hard to maintain in the face of a hold full of rats.
I would not pat that kitty cat. No way. No how.
Aw, but he wants to cuddle.
I LOVE MEAN CATS! Seriously. If they are random attackers and biters, it thrills me.
I have a random biter named Mercer. I dig her.
I have a mean cat. THE EVIL ORLANDO. Seriously she'll rip your ear off then open your drawers and unbundle your socks and then eat your flowers. And she's only 8 pounds.
All I'm saying is that I intend to give my cat Baggy a viking funeral when she passes, because she's earned it.
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