August 8, 2010

face plant

I've always wondered how much it would suck to fall off one of those big ol' bikes. Looks like the answer is: a lot.

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Ms. Moon said...

I wonder if he survived.

That Hank said...

Knowing these old photos, it was probably posed. But I would guess that you would just bang the shit out of yourself, maybe some road rash on the face and a broken collarbone or something. Let's ask Taylor!

BethLP said...

I had one of those bikes when I was a kid (noooo, I'm not THAT old; someone just made 'em for kids in the late sixties) and whenever I'd hit a rock or sidewalk bump I'd just POP!! right over the handlebars. But since I was a kid and evidently had cartilage instead of bones, I never got more than a bruise or scrape or two.

That Hank said...

Really? Was it as big as a real one? That rocks.

BethLP said...

I was maybe nine when I had it, and I think the front wheel was 2 1/2 - 3 feet tall. I had to kinda hop up on it, but it was definitely scaled down to a kids' size. It was fun to ride, I remember that!

That Hank said...

I had no idea they remade them. I wish I could get one for Owen, my nephew, once he gets big enough.