There's nothing I can say about Carnie that he can't say better. The guy who took this picture is actually a killer writer and was editor of the best skateboard magazine to ever hit the stands, Big Brother.
silver gelatin photgraph
2000s, Dave Carnie
from Department of Skateboarding
I would this one framed on my wall.
I've been a fan of this guy for years, but mostly for his writing/magazine work. I can't help but see his photos with a sort of squint. Still love this.
That's really cool. I would have liked to play with those kids.
My favorite is the kid in the back with the GIANT crown. I want to eat him.
They're all skateboarders' kids, they probably play really rough.
I was gonna say what May said. The baby in the wagon with the fire crown looks like he could kick a little ass.
I always like it when a baby looks really determined.
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