September 14, 2009

quick questions for folks

Hey y'all:

Like the blog? Having as much fun as I am? What's your favorite so far? Anyway, help me out: are you able to comment easily using the set up I currently have? I just tweaked it and want to know. If it won't work for you, please contact me at drunkonpabst at gmail dot com and tell me so I can work it out.

Thanks! Now, here is a picture of a bunny with a pancake on its head.


May said...

So so so much better. And thank you for this bunny with a pancake on it's head. I am beyond happy.

Ms. Moon said...

I like either way of commenting.
I love this blog. Love it, love it, love it! And I can't tell you which is my favorite although maybe the one of the man in the spring. The swimmer. Maybe.

Verdant Earl said...

I don't know what you changed, so either way apparently works for me.

And there are too many good photos to pick a favorite. Really.

That Hank said...

Good to hear. I know some style of commenting don't work well with some browsers, and I want to minimize that kind of issue.

honeyluna said...

I like this kind of commenting just fine. And I also like all of your images so so much! I like the animals, such as this very cute bunny with a pancake, and I like the paintings, I like the naked people doing weird things, and I like that you have such a great variety for me to enjoy. Thanks for all of these pictures, they make my day happier!

That Hank said...

Sweet! It sort of makes me laugh that I can reply to anyone's comments during the day, except the ones on the naked pictures! I only pull those up at home.

Elizabeth said...

I'm new to your blog and feel like I might need a few hours to go through it. It's great! I will be back!

That Hank said...

Great! Don't be afraid to comment!

Sarcastic Bastard said...

Comments are working great. Bunny with pancake on head = delightful.



Steph(anie) said...

You changed the commenting? Huh.

Anyway, I didn't comment on the actual post, but the one with the lady flashing the photo booth popped to mind when you asked about favorites, so uh, yeah.

The library stuff is good. And the illustrations and...

That Hank said...

SB: Thanks! The bunny with the pancake on its head is a common internet image. I sort of love it.

Steph: yeah, I like that one, too.

Lily said...

I can comment! I just don't all the time...sorry. I like all the pictures. One of my recent favorites is the Florida blossom among oarnges and grapefruits, she looks so happy. Anyway I know you didn't ask for requests but babies are always cute photo subjects, just saying.

That Hank said...

I like that one, too. It makes me want grapefruit.

Okay, if I see any good babies, I'll post them.

Anonymous said...

The Taylor Camp image brought up some strange memories and for the life of me, I don't know why. I checked out the Pahoa site, very cool.

That Hank said...

That's very cool. You never know what will trigger something.

leila said...

It's Oolong!
So this guy in Japan had a bunny named Oolong that would let him put things on its head, namely pancakes. The guy would put photos online regularly of Oolong and its things-on-head. I could never read it since it was all in Japanese. Anyway Oolong died in like 2003 or 2004. The guy got a new bunny but it was never the same.
I'm pretty sure that Oolong the Bunny inspired the whole "stuff on my cat" thing.

That Hank said...

I dunno if he inspired that, but he took it to new heights.