September 13, 2009

Porch Music

As Steve Martin told us, 'You can't be sad and play the banjo.'

Morgan, Vermont
from sjwalking's flickr stream


Ms. Moon said...

Your sister's been playing the banjo lately. She loves it.

That Hank said...

That doesn't surprise me at all! Next: pedal steel.

honeyluna said...

Hah, pedal steel...I would totally play it if it was hanging on my wall too.
But I sure do love playing a banjo! And Steve Martin is a damn genius!

That Hank said...

That is no lie. A real song and dance man.

Ms. Moon said...

I just finished listening to his book Born Standing Up. He is probably one of the most intellectual comics ever to perform and that's saying a lot.

That Hank said...

He easily meets the Hank's Three Qualifications for Friendship Meter.

6279 said...

Spill, please, what are Hank's Three Qualifications?

I had a long conversation with my wife last night about friendship and how we bestow that designation, and how it's shifted in light of social networking sites like Facebook...

In truth I have, other than her, one close friend who I see regularly.

That Hank said...

People I consider friends are two of the three: funny, smart, cute. Gotta have two or we won't get along, and cute's the weak one. (This is sort of a joke and sort of not. Maybe I just think my friends are cute, funny, and smart.)