My! We love those red breeches! Indeed we do!
You sure those aren't three ladies? The mustache on the one on the right looks pretty suspect.
I think he's just supposed to be French. They do look cozy, don't they?
Pals! indeed!
Not to be crude, but I think their common interests include each other's assholes and maybe a can of Crisco. Did they have Crisco back then?
Sure, military grade.
I think they used lard, actually.
Oleo! Wait, maybe this is pre-Oleo.
Truly, truly too-too. Oh how I chuckled aloud (OHICA, in the internet parlance of our time) at this one. And that was *before* I read the comments!
As far as I can tell, the world wars were very chummy.
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My! We love those red breeches! Indeed we do!
You sure those aren't three ladies? The mustache on the one on the right looks pretty suspect.
I think he's just supposed to be French. They do look cozy, don't they?
Pals! indeed!
Not to be crude, but I think their common interests include each other's assholes and maybe a can of Crisco. Did they have Crisco back then?
Sure, military grade.
I think they used lard, actually.
Oleo! Wait, maybe this is pre-Oleo.
Truly, truly too-too. Oh how I chuckled aloud (OHICA, in the internet parlance of our time) at this one. And that was *before* I read the comments!
As far as I can tell, the world wars were very chummy.
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