September 19, 2009

DTLCUI (Driving Tiny Little Cars Under the Influence)?

God damn, I wish I knew the story behind this one!

Boise, Idaho
no stats
from Least Wanted's flickr stream


honeyluna said...

Yup, I bet that was a good story. And great caption, by the way.

Lily said...

It must be a publicity thing. Otherwise they wouldn't put them both in the same mug shot, would they? Unless they are conjoined twins! I think that must be it.

That Hank said...

But what kind of publicity is that?

May said...

Man one: Capable of a different expression. Man two: Not so much.

daddy b said...

Here's the deal. Guy 1 ran through the dining hall, right in the middle of the pineapple sherbet, with nothing on but his fez. Guy 2 drove his udden udden right up on the high dive. Boom! Public indecency and drunk&disorderly. They had to hold each other up for the photo. Also, I will tell pawpaw we finally found him and uncle tiny's lost mugshot.

That Hank said...

Billy, I think you and I have to join the shriners.