April 27, 2013

The Liberation of Andromeda

A story in three parts: with winged feet, Perseus flies in to kill the monster Cetus and rescue his future bride, to the celebration of the crowd. My sister is in Rome, a bride herself, honeymooning. They sent me this postcard and said it reminded her of my dreams. And here it is for you.
Piero di Cosimo - 1515 - @ Wisdom Portal


Verdant Earl said...

That's fantastic. Especially the detail of the water surrounding Cetus. Looks more like the Ren stuff from some of the Dutch masters than Italian. Very cool.

That Hank said...

I like the two little soldiers hustling down from the town on the left.

Ms. Moon said...

Whole lotta stuff going on in there. Awesome. They picked a good one to send you.

That Hank said...

No kidding. I was happy to see it.

tony said...

I Wish I Could Fly Like That......

That Hank said...

Me, too, but I feel like it would be like when you are a kid and put water wings on your ankles to try and walk on water.