April 1, 2015


There's nothing playful about this. It's serious business.


Birdie said...

It's all fun and games...

Birdie said...

Where do you get your photos? So many of them are just so weird.

That Hank said...

All over the place. I try to always include a link at the bottom. Flickr is always a good start. I just like looking at old photos. But yeah, the ones that I post are the ones that really catch my eye.

Ms. Moon said...

Mostly I'm just so glad that someone was there to take this picture. So...as with most of your photos I'm wondering...and then?
I'm so glad you're doing these again. Such a good eye you have.

That Hank said...

I always, always wonder who took the photo, especially on the more candid shots. This was obviously a promo for a strength act.