Sometimes less IS more.
A sort of a Beardsley beard. With eyes.
I like the way the question was phrased. You don't hear it much anymore.Love you!
To prevent ending a sentence in a preposition - something that has fallen from law.
A razor company, huh? So that's a beard in the traditional sense. Not the kind that keeps people from thinking yer gay.
Bwah-ha-ha! No, not the Mrs. Charlie Crist kind.
Oh son. Be sweet. (Haha!)
It's like the cover of a detective novel. It also makes me want a beard.
For a while, Taylor was going to get a fake beard that hooked over her ears. She was going to wear it out to hipster bars and pick up young men.
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Sometimes less IS more.
A sort of a Beardsley beard. With eyes.
I like the way the question was phrased. You don't hear it much anymore.
Love you!
To prevent ending a sentence in a preposition - something that has fallen from law.
A razor company, huh? So that's a beard in the traditional sense. Not the kind that keeps people from thinking yer gay.
Bwah-ha-ha! No, not the Mrs. Charlie Crist kind.
Oh son. Be sweet.
It's like the cover of a detective novel. It also makes me want a beard.
For a while, Taylor was going to get a fake beard that hooked over her ears. She was going to wear it out to hipster bars and pick up young men.
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