He's off to teach English to French engineering students
Is that a punching bag he's carrying?
Screamish: Is this the voice of experience?BE: Looks like it to me, but it might be his hitting bag, with which to hit his rivals.
Downtown guy- Yes.
I figured.
Jesus H. I don't know. I think he wants to look FIERCE.
Well, he does look a little like Neil Patrick Harris.
I don't know, but he made me laugh.
How can you laugh? He is obviously Serious Bizness.
I like that he is all padded everywhere but still barefooted. Step on his feet! Kick 'im in the shins! Maybe his punches have the power of kicks.
"He's got an arm like a leg! and a punch that would sink a battleship! (Big ship!)"
What's that from?
A song called Big Strong Man about, well, a big strong man. It's from midcentury, but a lot of Paddy pub bands still do it.
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He's off to teach English to French engineering students
Is that a punching bag he's carrying?
Screamish: Is this the voice of experience?
BE: Looks like it to me, but it might be his hitting bag, with which to hit his rivals.
Downtown guy- Yes.
I figured.
Jesus H. I don't know. I think he wants to look FIERCE.
Well, he does look a little like Neil Patrick Harris.
I don't know, but he made me laugh.
How can you laugh? He is obviously Serious Bizness.
I like that he is all padded everywhere but still barefooted. Step on his feet! Kick 'im in the shins! Maybe his punches have the power of kicks.
"He's got an arm like a leg! and a punch that would sink a battleship! (Big ship!)"
What's that from?
A song called Big Strong Man about, well, a big strong man. It's from midcentury, but a lot of Paddy pub bands still do it.
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